White Gold Rings Vs Yellow Gold Rings - Which One Should You Choose

White Gold Rings Vs Yellow Gold Rings – Which One Should You Choose?


Nowadays, you find various colour options like platinum, palladium and other trends that are getting rapidly popular. However, the metal that hasn’t lost its popularity despite all these different metals entering the ring segment is gold. Gold is the most ancient metal that is preferred to craft not just rings but even other jewellery segments. But again, today gold section in itself has become vast. There are various colour options like white gold and rose gold apart from yellow gold. Now if you want to narrow down your options, one good way is knowing the difference between white gold rings and yellow gold rings to compare which is the best one for you.

Let’s take a closer look at how yellow gold rings and white gold rings are different from each other

Yellow gold rings – You must have heard a lot of times that yellow gold is the purest form of gold, well, this isn’t the case. As in rings, it is an alloy that is crafted by combining pure gold with other metals like copper and zinc. For other metals, when the karat amount is higher, it suggests a higher content of gold in the ring although decreasing its durability. It is why 18k and 14k gold makes the best choice when it comes to wedding and engagement rings as these rings are a symbol of relationship and are expected to last long.

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One thing you need to keep in mind is that yellow gold as compared to other options like white gold or even rose gold if chosen with higher karat is more prone to get scratched or dented. It must be polished and cleaned consistently.

The good thing is, yellow gold ring settings complement all kinds of wedding and engagement ring designs and also make a great choice if you want a traditional ring design. It is trusted by many to be the most popular metal for wedding and engagement rings as it is malleable. It helps you to get the design as customized as you want and also provide ease of resizing in future

White gold rings – The major difference between yellow gold and white gold is that white gold is an alloy made of gold and other metal such as palladium, manganese or nickel. Similar to yellow gold, the purity of white gold too can be defined in karats. White gold rings contain nickel, this metal provides it with the strength that makes it durable helping the setting to last longer.

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White gold makes a great and reasonable choice when you want to have a platinum ring but can’t afford it. In comparison with yellow gold, white gold is more durable and sturdy and is less prone to scratches. Like any other jewellery, white gold rings need to be polished regularly. Also, the white gold rings should be taken to a jeweller for retaining its lustre, and this service is available at a very reasonable cost or for free at many jewellers.

The problem with white gold is that it contains nickel and people who have sensitive skin can be allergic to it. In such cases, you must opt for nickel-free white gold ring. White gold rings don a gleaming white lustre and sophisticated charm, which makes it a choice of many people loving minimalistic modern jewellery.

Both white gold rings and yellow gold rings have their benefits and unique appearance. You must choose the one that attracts you the most.

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