IBPS PO mains exam pattern

What Should You Understand About IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern Before Starting Your Preps?


Candidates who wish to secure a position through the IBPS PO Examination need to pass three stages, the Prelims, and the Mains, followed by the final Interview Round. Lakhs of people appear for this examination from all over the country, and with only a limited number of vacancies, the selection process is quite stringent.

To do well in the examination, candidates must understand the syllabus, the exam pattern and sufficiently prepare themselves. Hence, candidates should go through previous years’ question papers and understand the IBPS PO mains exam pattern to know which topics they should cover.

Why is it Important to Know the IBPS PO Mains Pattern?

Although the IBPS PO does not have an official syllabus, it is easy to understand that the examination’s scope is vast when you go through the previous years’ question papers. Thus, to know which topics to study, how to prepare, and the time they should spend on each topic, candidates need to be familiar with the exam patterns.

The IBPS PO Prelims exam is simply a qualifying round, and the marks secured during this round do not add to the candidate’s overall score. Hence, while candidates need to prepare well for this round, the focus is primarily on the Mains Examination.

What You Need to Know

`may be a little stressful, but you can be sure to qualify for the interview round with exemplary efforts. Here is what you need to know about the IBPS PO Mains exam pattern:

  • The Mains Examination is divided into the Objective Paper with 155 multiple choice questions and a Descriptive Paper where candidates need to write a letter and an essay.
  • The examination lasts for three and a half hours, with half an hour reserved for the descriptive paper.
  • The Mains Examination covers four topics in the Objective Paper: English Language, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, and General Economy and Banking Awareness.
  • For every wrong answer you give, you’ll get a negative marking of 0.25 marks.

Thus, when preparing for the Main Examination, you need to ensure that you prepare well to avoid negative marking. Additionally, you will need to hone your writing skills to ensure that you do well in the Descriptive Paper.

The Descriptive Paper is only assessed when the candidate secures qualifying marks in the Objective Paper. Hence, it is essential to ensure that you give your best for both papers.

How to Prepare for the Main Examination?

The Main Examination is crucial for securing a spot in the interview round. Hence, candidates must be dedicated in their preparation for this examination. Apart from covering all topics diligently and going through previous question papers to excel in the exam, here are some general tips that you can follow:

  1. Be strategic when writing your paper; complete the easier questions before moving on to the more complex ones. Doing so ensures that you are confident in your answers and helps you manage your time better.
  2. Candidates should avoid guesswork as far as possible. Each round of the IBPS PO Examination has negative marking. Hence, candidates should only answer those questions which they are confident about.
  3. Practice each topic every day, especially those which require quantitative aptitude. Candidates need to enhance their knowledge by testing themselves every day; it helps them manage their time better, get a deeper understanding of the syllabus, and identify which topics they need to work harder on.

Keeping these in mind to ensure that you have an easier time when preparing for your examinations. While the IBPS Examination may seem like a challenging feat, you can ace this exam with a strategic study plan!

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